Wednesday, April 9, 2008

If you are the praying kind...

My dear friends that I spoke of in my previous post could both use some positive thoughts and prayers this week.

My friend, E, delivered her twin girls at slightly over 33 weeks on Sunday. The girls are doing really great, but they will be in the NICU for a couple of weeks or more. It has to be so hard to leave the hospital without the babies you have waited so long for.

My friend, L, is in a bit of a holding pattern with an opportunity at the adoption agency. The whole waiting game is just so anxiety provoking and can take such a toll on you - both physically and emotionally. Hopefully all will work out and they will be bringing home a very sweet little boy some time in the next couple of weeks.


Courtney said...

I am praying!

KH99 said...

Angi, I appreciate the update on both E and L, and I will keep both in my thoughts.

judy said...

I will be praying...
I was just wondering through blog land looking into adoption (I am planning on adopting). If you get a chance please check out the beautiful luluby my sister wrote on my blog.

katd said...

Sending prayers to both situations. Keep us posted! :)

Yoka said...

I am praying, too. Please don't share my news on Lost and Found yet. I would be devastated if it doesn't work out then... I would feel like a cheater who announces stuff that never happens...