Okay, so I stole this list from Carol @
http://whatifthis.blogspot.com/ , but it seemed fitting at this point in my 2ww and I wasn't feeling very creative on my own! Congratulations to Carol, she is officially PG and has conquered the mean IF monster!!
Typical early pregnancy symptoms:
Tender, swollen breasts or nipples – a little tender, but is most likely a side effect of the PIO
Darkening of the areola – no
Blue veins in breasts - of course there are, how can you be as pale as I am and not see blue veins? There aren't any more than usual though.
Fatigue – yep, but that is nothing new.
Sleeplessness – nope, still sleeping through the night.
Slight bleeding or spotting – nope.
Slight cramping – yep, started on Monday which was 3dp3dt, but I had cramping with my previous 2 cycles and we all know how they ended up.
Nausea with or without vomiting – nope.
Food aversions or cravings – i am picky, but no more than usual.
Changes in taste and smell – nope.
Heartburn or indigestion – nope.
Constipation – nope.
Frequent urination – yep, but once again this happened the last 2 times.
Headaches – I always seem to have a headache, but most likely from all the drugs.
Faintness/dizziness – a little dizziness last night, but was accompanied by a headache so who knows???
Mood swings – of course I don't think so, but Hunter would probably disagree with me. I could probably cry at the drop of a hat, or a wrong look, or just about anything else under the sun.
Increase in basal body temp – wouldn't know...
So there you have it, a whole lot of stuff that doesn't mean much at this point. I am trying very hard to stay positive but given the fact that my symptoms (or lack of) are pretty much the same as the last 2 times, I am finding it very hard. Luckily I have my Mind/Body class tonight which should help me get my emotions back in check (at least for a couple of days anyway). Anybody have any good ideas for major distractions??? Maybe Hunter should take me to the beach this weekend :-)